Y segundo post!! Mi personaje de Heroes
Supongo que estas alturas todos sabéis qué es "Heroes" y posiblemente lo hayáis visto. Encontré un test en el blog de Chemi (recientemente añadido a la lista de blogs del lateral) para ver cual te tocaba. Molaba que me tocara Sylar, que a pesar de ser un cabrón es un crack, pero bueno, me tocó Mohinder que también mola :D.
My father spent his life chasing after this insanity. Now I'm wasting mine trying to prove he was sane.
Congratulations, you're Mohinder Suresh! You're a curious, passionate, and intelligent person. You're prone to changing your mind about the important things in life, though. You're interested in doing what you can to help people who are gifted with special abilities.
Your best quality: You're a maverick intellectual
Your worst quality: Your opinions can change rather quickly and suddenly
Test de Heroes
Your Score: Mohinder Suresh
You scored 37 Idealism, 50 Nonconformity, 50 Nerdiness
Congratulations, you're Mohinder Suresh! You're a curious, passionate, and intelligent person. You're prone to changing your mind about the important things in life, though. You're interested in doing what you can to help people who are gifted with special abilities.
Your best quality: You're a maverick intellectual
Your worst quality: Your opinions can change rather quickly and suddenly
Test de Heroes
Your Score: Audrey Hanson
You scored 45 Idealism, 33 Nonconformity, 45 Nerdiness
Well, statistically speaking, law enforcement attracts a certain kind of male personality.
Congratulaions, you're Audrey! You're a practical hard-worker with a sassy sense of humor. You have a good amount of vunerability behind your tough exterior, but you're still FBI material.
Your best quality: Attitude Your worst quality: Attitude
Pfff, soy un conformista, tan idiota como idealiasta, y encima una pava andrógina que ni los que siguen Héroes saben quién es (es la pava del FBI que curraba con Parkman, el que lee la mente).
Joer, es que ni un triste superpoder...
By Alber, at 6 de agosto de 2007, 15:10
Jajaja, la verdad es que sí, la única forma de que te tocara alguien peor sería que te saliera uno de los guardias de seguridad/policía que no tienen nombre ni hablan :D
By ismael, at 6 de agosto de 2007, 21:33
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